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Canadian Health&Care Mall Inc. Burnaby, CANADA
"We Care About Your Health"
*Activities of such pharmacies are controlled by Food and Drug Administration as well as by the National Association of Pharmacies which provides information for consumers about Internet resources "Buying drugs online" accredited and deliver safe products. Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites (VIPPS) program was developed in 1999 in the USA and Canada, because of concern about the growing number of public offerings on the internet resources for the sale of drugs and lack of confidence in their quality.
Licensed in province of Ontario
It is important for Canadian Health and Care Mall sites to ensure the authenticity and safety of marketed drugs, adherence to quality control system for acceptance and storage of products, providing customers with the necessary advice on pharmaceutical drugs purchased.
Adopted in most civilized countries regulations circulation of medicines still cannot solve the legal and ethical issues arising in the Internet space.
The World Health Organization is deeply concerned about the risks of illegal online pharmacies in Canada for patients and actively encourages fighting with such activities. But we are totally different.

College of Pharmacists of Ontario

Many Canadian Health&Care Mall copies store to increase the customer loyalty actively use the Internet resources for the sale of goods with subsequent delivery to the customer by providing the necessary documents, the possibility of the return and exchange of goods and after sales service.
Is it safe and legal to purchase ED pills over the Internet in Canada?
But the sale of medicines via the Internet is not regulated in the existing legal documents on the grounds that the activities of pharmacy organizations.
At the same time the search engines offer the drug delivery at prices significantly lower than that offered in regular retail pharmacies, that the main reason why people close their eyes on certain legal issues and tend to use Canadian HealthCare Mall pharmacy from Burnaby.
Importing medications – is it legal?

In most cases, individuals cannot import medications legally into the territory of the US. This is due to the fact that meds from other countries often haven’t been evaluated and/or approved by the Food & Drug Administration.
Just for example, if a medication is approved by European Medicines Agency (the EU pharmaceutical regulator) or Health Canada (the relevant Canadian federal institution), that does not necessarily mean that the US FDA have issued approval for that medicine. Hence, it may be illicit to be imported.
However, there are exceptions when import of medications for personal use can be legal for US residence.
These exceptions include:
- The product is used for treatment of a severe condition for which there is no adequate/efficient therapy in the USA;
- The medicine is not promoted or commercialized to residents of the US;
- The use of the remedy is not associated unreasonable risks;
- A person, who imports the parcel, will use it personally and provides contacts of his or her doctor.
Usually, it is allowed to purchase medications for a 3-month treatment (not more).
Delivery Process
Thus, in Canada the delivery should be licensed pharmacies based in the country. To exclude confusion should be used monitoring system delivery process. Also mandatory transported goods must be insured. In addition, the manual prescribed special requirements for packages used for drug delivery.

Canadian Health Care Mall service is responsible for ensuring that the drug was delivered to the US & CA customer in good condition.
After that, the Health and Department of Canada developed the rules under which must be carried out the commercial activity in Canadian Health and Care Mall Inc:
- It should be a 24-hour telephone service with a pharmaceutical worker,
- Order online drugs to be transported in conditions in the case of providing the necessary temperature control,
- Name and product information required on the outside of the package for transportation.
International Fulfillment Centers
In addition to dispensing from dispensing pharmacy, we also dispense your medications from international fulfillment centers that are approved by the regulatory bodies from their respective countries.
My Canadian Healthcare Mall affiliate with dispensaries in the fulfillment centers around the world including and not limited to United States, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand, Turkey, Mauritius, India, and United Kingdom.